Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blog #4 - Revolution Article

1. The American Civil War was more costly in lives and possibly more important than the American Revolution
2. Ben Franklin and George Washington may have embelished their parts in the war.
3. The Civil War has more memorable war heroes, while the Revolution has more memorable political figures
4. Paintings of the Revolutionary War don't depict the carnage that pictures of the Civil War do
5. Historians often focus on happenings away from the war, and not about the actual fighting

Monday, September 15, 2014

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

1. Democratic Principles
The Declaration of Independence states that the people of the United States of America are writing the article as a group, and that they have the right to create a new government that will better serve the people.
2. Grievances

The people believe that they should not have to relinquish their right to participate in legislative processes. It also states that the king has abolished their representative houses, and that he does not serve the people or the greater good. they also complain that the king obstructs justice with judges that serve his will and laws, not what is just.
3. Conclusion
The Declaration ends with the belief that they shall no longer be know as British colonies, but as Free and Independent states, with the power to declare war and peace and trade and enter alliances with whomever they wish.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

John Peter Zenger was a New York newpaper publisher who voiced his opinion of the colonial governor.He was charged with publishing material that was believed could start the ideas of rebellion, although he was just voicing his thoughts about the new laws and salary of the governor William Cosby. When he was taken to court, he was defended by lawyer Andrew Hamilton, who pleaded the case to the jury, which decided upon a not guilty verdict.
It set the precedents for use truth as a defence against charges of libel, and was an important stepping stone to freedom of press, and also set up against judicial tryanny and showed that people should voice their opinions and stop such powerful but poor government officials.
The trial decided an important thing for the colonies and later the U.S.A. Which was that people had freedom of speech and press, in that their opinions could not be used to charge them with a crime.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

LAD #1: Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

In the Mayflower Compact it is stated that the men listed in the documwnt have written it to describe that they will have meeting for the good of the colony, and that they are the political body of the colony, but the colony is under the control of Britain.
They show a connection to the New and Old Worlds by stating that what they do is for Britain, but that they are a new colony and they will make the laws and officers of the law for themselves.
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut have much more specific guidelines as to how officials would be put into power, and as listed is by direct democracy. It also states how meetings will be held with representatives from every town to audiences held by the governor.
The poeple wrote out the constitution in order to communicate the ideas in it to all the various towns in the area of Connecticut and to establish order in the area so they had a stronger collective governement.
It protected the government from being taken over by an individual or group by forcing powerful officials to be elected by the people in a direct democratic style, and then be approved by some kind of congregation so help prevent problems of tyranny.